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The Green Pasture

The Green Pasture

The stillness of the early morning. The crisp cool air at daybreak. The bright green grass flourishes as the refreshing dew sits atop the blades. The lush hills rolling with vibrant life. The peace in the heart of the fully satisfied. 

When David talks of the green pastures in Psalm 23, the mind quickly fills with an unearthly peace, stemming from the beautiful imagery described for the life of the one who walks with the Good Shepherd. 

The Good Shepherd comes to give life and give it more abundantly. Though earthly bread is of value, and the Good Shepherd always provides the best for His flock, true satisfaction is knowing the soul is in communion with the one who loves him the most. The one who will protect him at all costs. And the one who will go to unimaginable measures to ensure he is always within the tender care of the Master. 

We read these words in Psalm 23 and though we believe them, do we know them? It’s easy to say with our lips we believe. It’s even easier to WANT to believe, but the question is, do we know? 

Knowing is a step further than believing. Knowing is a guarantee to our soul. Knowing is allowing the heart to fully trust. Knowing is more than believing, knowing is the willingness to die. To give everything in belief of.

Oh Christian, do you not know the Good Shepherd has a green pasture for you? A place of rest. A place of love. A place of care. Believe in the Good Shepherd. Believe in not only what He has the power to do for you, but believe and know He is the true satisfaction your soul longs for and your heart yearns to be embraced by. 

Oh believer, lie down in the green pasture and lack nothing.